Thursday, August 25, 2011


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RM 2,421.....
My study fees that need to be paid for the next semester...
There is drastic increament due to 3RD semester fee as well as UTM Professional Course (new course introduce for all UTM students)...

Hemm...many students stated their unsatisfaction for this new policy...
Thanks god cz I got JPA scolarship as it not burden me much....but, for students who got PTPTN or Pa&Ma, I don't know what to say.....They have to save their budget starting from now..
Some say, "Skali skala nak makan laut ayam jugak...x kan nak makan ikan tiap2 hari".....

It's time for us to arrange our priority..cut-budget for thing which we do not need or not compulsory such as too much cinema, cigarettes, entertainment or anything related...

No such free things in this world..every thing has its' price....